Well it's nearly been a week since the big move! Last wednesday was a busy day for us. I went to see the doctor and found out that my foot is in fact fractured. So I've got another 3-5 weeks on crutches and in the cam cast. The nice thing with the cam cast is that it's removable for showering, sleeping, and when I was at the beach yesterday and sat with my legs in the water. Then I had my last final exam, Ben and I went to our favorite wing place for cheap wednesday night wings, and went shopping for last minute necessities. By 11 pm the place was more or less packed and we slept our last night in out little bachelor apartment. Which was a terrible sleep because of a mixture of excitement and the lumpy futon we were sleeping on because our bed was packed.
Thursday morning we were up bright and early packing what was left and ben brought all the stuff outside while I guarded it from the bums on 17th ave. If they came close I would have scared them away with my crutches haha, but not to worry they left us alone I guess I was just THAT intimidating. Dad and AJ came with their trucks at 8:30 and by 9:15 we were all loaded up and driving away. But the traffic was INSANE! there was a steady stream until past banff, and it was actually stopping! So it took us a little longer to get here, but we made it and while I held baby Jack since I'm not much help on crutches everyone brought in the boxes. Jenny, AJ, Olivia, and Dad were all a HUGE help. Since we only had one big airmatress Olivia and Dad wound up on Ben and My little backpacking sleeping pads in the living room while Jenny, Jack and AJ got the queen airmatress. Normally when we sleep on those pads we're exhausted from a day of backpacking, I guess they're not as comfortable when you're not dead tired. But Olivia and Dad made due until Jenny and AJ left and we picked up a couch from Salmon Arm.
Dad brought up his boat, unfortuneately it wasn't really nice weather. But we drove down to the shushswaps and followed some sunny patches. It was nice having them around for a bit. Ironically the day after they left the sun came out and it's been sunny and hot ever since!
Job wise, I had 2 interviews last week and an interview yesterday. So hopefully I get one of these jobs. I also had a job for a total of 2o minutes! It's kind of a funny story, I had given the enchanted forest and skytrek my resume months ago and they randomly called me about a receptionist position on monday. The funny thing was is that they didn't want an interview and wanted me to start that day (it was already 2 pm). I told the lady that I had a broken foot and she said it didn't matter. Well my the time we got there I realized that the position was not really reception as you'd be in a cramped, cluttered gift shop and the girl I was supposed to meet saw I was on crutches and we both thought that this wasn't going to work. I thought that was pretty funny. Ben still hasn't found a job but he's digging, it seems like there is alot of construction but there is also alot of tradesmen. I'm sure once people know him he'll get a job.
So since we have jobs we've just been trying not to worry and enjoy the time off. Ben's been training really hard for the death race. The training here is endless and there are HUGE hills. We're going to be so strong! Other than that we drove down to upper arrow lake yesterday. We took the ferry across the lake (and it's even free!) and we found a little place to get down to the water and hang out. Now i did have to crutch down to it which was pretty scary/funny but I made it without falling. There were big rocks to use as seats and we brought our cooler and had a fantastic afternoon/evening. When we started getting hungry and realized that we had just missed the ferry back and the other one wouldn't come for an hour we drove down to nakusp for a pizza and caught the ferry home. It was a great day.
Anyways, needless to say we are enjoying it here. Hopefully the jobs come together pretty quickly because this is definitely where we want to be. We LOVE it here, it's so beaufitul. And the winter will be even better!