All right, I am the first to admit I have definitely fallen off the blogging train. This was supposed to be a record of the adventures that Ben and I have been undertaking; and ribbon creek falls has definitely not been the last adventure that we went on. In fact after I got home from Peru, the summer was full of adventures. We did our first olympic distance triathlon, and despite some setbacks like cracking my elbow in 2 places 2 weeks before the race, Ben and I did great. Ben as usual completed and came in 5th place! I managed to get across the line 22 minutes faster than I thought I had trained for, broken elbow and all. We also went camping and hiking and I finally took Ben to goodsoil, the place the defined summer and family when I was little. But I think the trip of the summer was when we did Northover Ridge. It was a three day trek, and we saw sights that we thought rivaled the view at the top of Mount Robson (a couple pictures at the bottom). Well, Before we both knew it summer was over and I was jumping back into school. We backed off the training, indulged in eating and drinking whatever we pleased, and enjoyed the little time we had together. While waiting for the snow to fly, and the ice to form so we could partake in our favorite winter activities of skating and skiing, we started planning our great escape from Calgary to the mountains.
The semester flew by, my class schedule and work schedule was hectic and stressful at times but before I knew it it was mid December and I was finishing up exams. Christmas came and we got totally spoiled on stuff that we needed for our future adventures, including wetsuits for our triathlons, and necessities for our backpacking. As 2009 came to a close I reminisced aboutthe year from Peru, to northover ridge and other mountain tops, our first triathlons, and countless other adventures. All in all it was a fantastic year. However we have big plans for the coming year. For 2010 I am going to try and update this blog more. I think i'll have alot to write about: it's our last year in Calgary before we move to the mountains, I am going to be finishing my Economics Degree, Ben will be finishing the schooling for his plumbing apprenticeship, We're going to be having a nephew since AJ is having a baby.
Athletic wise we have lots on the go. With January 1st training season officially started, we have our training calender for the next 7 months taped to the wall and that is what keeps us going one day at a time even when our legs are sore and it's cold outside. Ben's big event is the Canadian Death Race, I'll be doing the sylvan lake half ironman, we're both planning on doing the calgary marathon and probably the alberta challenge tri again. And inbetween training 5-6 days a week we'll squeeze in a trip or two to the tops of mountains! In the meantime hopefully we'll keep skiing and skating until spring comes and the snow and ice melts!
love it!!!