Well, since the running meltdown, training has been going well. I ran the Calgary half marathon at the end of may and did a personal best and hit my goal of under 2 hours. Ben did the full marathon, but he also ran TO the race. Yes, he added an extra 4miles (8kms) to his run. Training has hit its peak for me the last couple of weeks since I am now 4 weeks out of my race, so I have been getting pretty tired. The point is to almost burn yourself out so that you can taper and recover for 2 weeks and be ready to go for the big day! My Big day is July 11th in Oosoyos. Pretty nervous but excited. I have never done this distance before and I dont really know what to expect but as long as I stay healthy and injury free it'll be awesome.
Other than training, Ben and I have been pretty busy. Ben is in school right now getting his 3rd year of his plumbing schooling down. It's amazing how much the school throws at these students in 8 weeks of school and the most minute numbers and details they have to remember. But he's getting through it and will be done in 2 weeks. I'm in my last class of my degree and have finished an online class, in between working and training. I have found it pretty hard to keep my motivation up this close to the end of school and with only one class. But in 2 weeks I'll be done and I'll only have 2 finals (one in my online class), then Ben and I are getting out of this city... we're moving to revelstoke!!
We have kinda been up and down with when we were going to move, and in the couple of weeks all the signs have been pointing to leaving. So we drove down last weekend to find a place to live, and we found a great place! A freshly renovated 2 bedroom basement suite (but it's a split level so the basement is mostly above ground and is nice and bright) with a nice landlord who lives on the top floor. We're even allowed to get a dog if we want! That is awesome, because we really want one.. not right away but eventually. We camped in the rain all weekend, but after finding that place nothing could get our spirits down. It was a pretty jam packed weekend: We went for a trail run, hiked partway up the skihill, checked out the town and surrounding area, and went for another "hike" (more of a walk by our standards) before dinner, found a great pizza place and had a pre-celebration for my birthday. We even checked out the pool and gym for training. Everything was so amazing! I absolutely love it there, I was so relaxed and knew that this is exactly where I am supposed to be. The mountains are huge and beautiful. The people are super friendly. I felt inspired.
Sunday morning we got up early and hit the road to come home. It was a pretty whirlwind weekend leaving after work on friday and coming home sunday. But it is only 4 hours away and with the time difference you gain an hour on friday night. We got home mid afternoon and went to my dad's for a BBQ since it was mine, my dad's and my Oma from Ontario's birthday. Aj and Jenny did the cooking and it was delicious!
Anyways, now that we have a place to live and we're officially moving in 3 weeks. We have been pretty busy this week looking for jobs, trying to find stuff that we'll need for moving (since the place we rent is furnished we don't have much), training, and finishing school. Needless to say I have been a little stressed, but I have a feeling the next 3 weeks are going to fly by! And it's crazy but as soon as you drive out of the city and into the mountains the stress always seems to dissappear! So we've just got to hang on and before we know it we'll be living the dream!
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