Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from both of us! I hope everyone had a great holidays! Ours were busy but it was awesome to spend some time with my family.
Over the holidays we were determined to keep our training going, even if we had to adjust it a bit to accomodate traveling and the gym being closed. We thought we had it all planned out. However, we hit our first road block on christmas eve when we arrived at the gym at 5:30 am only for it not to open.. argh. With some disappointment we drove home and finished some final packing for the weekend. I had to work 8am-12pm which went by painfully slow. Then ben picked me up and we drove straight to calgary. We got there just as people were arriving for my Dad's christmas eve party. After a great meal, a couple of drinks, and some carolling we were convinced to go to midnight mass. We did not get home until 1:15am (waaay past our bedtime) and had be up since 4:30 am so we were beat. We managed to squeeze in our run on christmas day inbetween heading to my Aunt's house and opening christmas presents (I think the new heart rate monitor that I got for christmas gave me some incentive to get out there). After dinner at my Aunts house we headed to my Mom's house for our own little christmas morning at 10pm. It turned out to be another late night, and I could feel like I was starting to get run down.
Boxing day we were planning on relaxing a bit and enjoying our last day in calgary. After a huge brunch we tried to squeeze in a bike workout. Needless to say it was pretty rough on a very full tummy. After the gym we headed to the outdoor rink for some hockey with my family which was a ton of fun. Before we knew it we were finishing another great meal and heading to bed.
We left calgary early on monday morning because there was a snow warning in revelstoke and we didn't want to get stuck on the highway. By the time we got back to revelstoke we were exhausted and missed out swim workout. I was supposed to work on tuesday, but with the snow coming I called in to get it off. So on tuesday we enjoyed a day of skiing, and I started feeling pretty lousy. We went home and I'm pretty sure ben tried to go to the gym and I just laid on the couch. In the end I caught my brother's flu and the next 3 days were pretty rough. Fever, chills, aches, stomach upset, the whole works. I had to work, but as soon as I got home I would park myself in bed. No training for me. Ben was not feeling 100% either but he still tried to get a couple of workouts in but he was exhausted after skiing all day since he had the week off.
By the time Friday came, I was finally feeling better. We were up early and it was going to be my first workout back at it. But since it was New years eve again nothing was open. Oh well, at that point I dont think one more day off would have meant anything. That night since it was New Years Eve we went out and enjoyed a delicious dinner at one of our favorite restuarants in revelsotke, then headed home and both of us fell asleep before midnight. Mind you we made it until 11 so we just pretended we were in Calgary. The gym was closed the rest of the weekend, so we didn't get our training in, but we did ski!.. i think that was our only consolation.
I had Yesterday off of work so I went and trained earlier in the day and then made meals for the rest of the week so we don't have to worry about cooking. It is something that we should try and do every week on sundays, but often the day gets away from us and we end up scrambling for dinner during the week. Our saving grace here is a place called Mountain Meals that have homemade, organic soups and sauces/stews. For 10$ we can feed each of us an awesome meal and only have to heat it up when we get home.
Looking forward to the New year, we have a few races leading up to the main event. We're both planning on doing the vancouver marathon in May, then I have the Oliver Half Ironman in June(which I was supposed to do last year but I broke my foot 2 weeks before), then Ironman Canada in August. Ben was toiling with the idea of doing an Ultra as well, but we'll see how the ironman training goes and how he could fit the training for an Ultra in. Other than training, we're just planning on enjoying where were at right now. We are loving revelstoke.
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