So last sunday officially marked the 6 month mark until Ironman Canada. It's hard to believe that 3 months have already past. It has definitely been tough, but we are doing the best that we can. We are now just focusing on getting the next workout down. Last weekend was the first weekend in a while that we either weren't headed to calgary for doctors appointments or people weren't coming to visit. So we were kind of excited to have an old fashioned "champ weekend." Since we haven't had any snow in the last 2 weeks, on Saturday Ben and I decided to go snowshoeing up the Summit Trail, which is a 10 km trail up Mt. Revelstoke, instead of skiing. I figured it was a nice alternative to running on the treadmill for 2 hours (which it painfully boring at the best of times but even more so now that we have both lost our ipod shuffles.. again.) We went about 6 kms up.. and I mean up.. there is no flat parts on this trail. Then we had a quick break and came back down. It was gorgeous! there was so much snow! We were on top of well over 5 feet of snow, if not more. We didn't see a soul. SO peaceful. When we got home we were pretty tired, had a nap, relaxed, grocery shopped, amde dinner (and froze the left overs), rented a movie and just hung out the two of us. It was awesome. Sunday we were disappointed to not wake up to any new snow, since there was some in the forcast. So instead of skiing we decided to try and get an olympic distance triathlon in to celebrate the 6 month mark. Well, it was alot more then we were supposed to do that day. We got through the biking, and most of the running, but never made it to the pool. We were pretty tired and hungry. The gym doesn't open until 10am here on the weekends, so after running and biking it was after tweleve and our bodies were wanting to eat. So we headed home, I worked on the CFA course, and ben lounged. We finished it all off with a yummy dinner, froze the left overs for dinner that week, and then I made pate chinois (french sheperds pie) for another dinner. So by Sunday night we were organized for the week with our dinners made and frozen and were all set to train and hit all the workouts.
Then monday come, and we hit the pool like we were supposed to. Then we had a solid ran tuesday morning, but then things took a turn. When we showed up at the gym tuesday night all the spin bikes were taken. So we left and decided to post pone the workout until friday, no big deal. You have to be a little bit flexible. We ate dinner and relaxed. It was funny because last night when 7:30 came around and I "thought OMG we would JUST be getting home from the gym.. that's crazy!" This morning we dragged our butts to the gym, and it wasn't open. This happens about once a week, and is SO SO frustrating. You drag your butt to the gym for 5:30 am, and the girl who was supposed to open decides that she wants to sleep in. Don't they think that maybe I'd want to sleep in? Anyways, we waited until 5:45, watching the precious minutes that we have tick away, and decided to drive home. So, we had to miss ANOTHER workout. But we are focused on getting every workout in so we have just adjusted our schedule so that now we're doing the bike we were supposed to do yesterday today, then moving the workouts from today to friday. Friday is supposed to be our day off, but it has turned into more of a flex day, where if we miss something during the week we can make it up then. Here's to only another 6 months of this!
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