Monday, June 28, 2010

The End of a Chapter

Well I can hardly believe it, in 3 days we're moving to Revelstoke. We have been talking and dreaming about this for nearly 3 years. Every time we drove home from one of our adventures in the mountains we'd say "one day we won't have to leave." It's amazing and we're so excited, and at the same time it is the end of a chapter of our lives. It has been 3 years since Ben and I met at COP and alot has happened in those three years here in Calgary. I've finished my universtiy, Ben started his plumbing apprenticeship, my parents split up, Aj and Jenny had beautiful baby Jack, and we've made a home in our little, no bedroom, bachelor apartment. I have no idea what we're going to do with all the space in our new place, we joke that we'll always be in the same room. But, on to the next chapter and living the dream in Revelstoke. When we visited there a few weeks ago looking for a place to live, any apprehension that I had about moving went away. It's where we're meant to be, and we're finally going to be there on thursday. Although we're excited it has been stressful too. Ben was in school until last week, I still have 2 finals to write before we go, my foot and inability to carry anything cause i'm on crutches, packing, and the crazy realtor that is trying to sell the place has made the last couple of weeks stressful. But we're on the homestretch now, only 3 days and we'll be on our way!

The foot is still really sore, which is my own fault because every time it starts feeling better I decide to try and walk on it. And while I can put weight on it within an hour my foot swells and I'm back on T3s. Yesterday was a particularly bad day. Ben went out to canmore and climbed ha-ling peak and Lady Macdonald, and I was very upset i couldn't go. So being upset and stubborn I decided to walk from the bathroom to my bed. Big mistake, I could do it with a limp but within a couple of hours my foot was hurting almost more than when it first happened.. which seemed to put me in a worse mood. Poor ben got home from a beautiful day of hiking to a hysterical jennifer. But he did a good job of cheering me up. We went out and got my hair cut, spent some time oustide and went to dad's for some dinner which was awesome. Dad made homemade burgers which I must say are the best. After dinner I packed up all my treasure from my room. Ben thought it was pretty cool seeing a glimpse of me as a kid through old pictures and keepsakes. I, however, was mortified when he found my medal from the science olympics.

Anyways, I should stop procrastinating and get on studying for my two finals this week. I'll keep posted on what the Doc says on wednesday about my foot. And Congratulations to Sammy who is graduating high school today.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


6 months of training and a $300 race fee may now be down the drain, after I slipped getting out of the pool yesterday. It had been one of those mornings, where I hadn't given myself quite enough time to get ready. When the alarm went off at 6:15 am my bed felt just to comfortable and I was extra slow to get up. Because of that I had to rush out of the door. I got to the university by 7:15 and had 15 minutes to get across campus to the pool in order to have enough time to get my workout in and get to class. Of course, the university is going through major construction and it took me half an hour of walking outside in the rain, almost getting hit by a car, before I got to the pool. Feeling rushed I almost decided skip the workout and do it after work that night. But, I figured if I swam a little bit faster I would get the full 2500 meters in, I mean I had 45 minutes right. I quickly changed and jumped right into my 1000 meter set. I swam hard, and only made 2200 meters before the time ran out. Feeling pretty exhausted I tried to pull myself out of the pool, only to slip and bash my foot on the side of the pool on the way back into the water. It hurt, I swore, and I hobbled back to the change room. Little did I know that the pain I felt was only going to multiply exponentially throughout the day.

From the time I got up in the morning I was rushing through my day. I made it to class a couple of minutes late, then had to leave early to rush to work. By the time I got to work my foot really hurt to stand on, but I didn't have time to think much about it. I popped some Advil and worked my shift till 4. At which point I had to rush back to the university to meet Ben and get some homework done. Walking from the car to the school every step started hurting more and more, but I had convinced myself I was fine. I had to be fine, I mean how can you hurt yourself getting out of a pool. And my race was only 25 days away, I was fine. I had to be.

I finally got to the library, met Ben, ate dinner, and started on my last essay of my university career. As I sat there my foot started throbbing and aching more and more. I thought maybe it was just the Advil waring off. When we decided to leave the university, we started walking back to the car and every step turned into an enormous task. The shooting pain eventually became unbearable and I broke down crying hysterically scared and sore in the middle of the university campus.
Scared because my foot couldn't be injured with my race so close. But with the amount of pain that I was feeling I knew something was wrong.

We drove to Strathmore to go to the hospital to avoid the lines. Got an x-ray and the doctor didn't find any major breaks. Since I couldn't walk and was in alot of pain at this point he gave me some crutches and tylonal 3s and sent me on my way. I was beside myself. I didn't understand why he didn't examine my foot and figure out what was hurting so much. I was inconsolable, but Ben did what he could to calm me down. Last night was rough, my foot hurt despite the tylonal 3s and I didn't sleep more than 3 hours. I decided that I had to see someone else and figure out what was wrong. I have had alot of injuries in my lifetime, and I know the difference between a bruise and when something is serious. I was scared that if I didn't see anyone it would heal badly since it wasn't immobilized and I would forever have trouble with my foot. I was petrified because I was unable to walk with 3 weeks to my race and I needed to know if whatever was wrong was going to be feeling better in time. I found the calgary foot clinic and got into see a podiatrist this morning. Good thing I did. He thinks I have a Cuboid Fracture that wouldn't turn up on a x-ray. So I have to go get a bone scan done. Hopefully it's not that because that takes around 6 weeks to heal. If it's not that with the amount of swelling and pain he said I could have torn some ligaments in my foot when it hyperextended. Even so, I would still be on crutches in a walking cast for 3 weeks. So, he crushed the plan of the Oosoyos Half Ironman. He put me into a walking cast with crutches, booked a bone scan, and an appointment to see him in 2 weeks. I go back the day before we're supposed to be moving, and the day that I have my last final exam. Talk about stress.

I have been trying to deal with the fact that I am going to be unable to do the desert half ironman all day. It has been the focus of all those long painful training sessions and early mornings for so long, and I am feeling quite lost. On top of that, Ben and I are moving in 2 weeks. It is going to be quite the task trying to pack while on crutches. But that is life. No matter how much I wish I could turn back to 7:15 yesterday morning, and instead of rushing my swim waiting until I had more time in the eventing.. i can't. I have to deal with yet another injury. I have to focus on healing this thing properly and training for the ironman next year, and maybe a couple of races later in the season. My hockey coach from NSA in highschool always used to tell me that the only thing that will limit my ability is my injuries... and yet here is more proof of that statement. Frustration is an understatement to what I am feeling right now. But I know there are alot of people that are going through this. I remember when Linda hurt her back and was unable to do the half marathon she was training for earlier this year. Injuries are just a part of the life of an athlete I guess.

Anyways, sorry if this post is so melancholy. Like my dad says, don't sweat the small stuff. The foot will heal, and there will be more races. Until then I'll have more time to study and pack since I won't be training or doing many adventures for the next little bit.

Friday, June 11, 2010

3, 2, 1...... Goodbye Calgary

Well, since the running meltdown, training has been going well. I ran the Calgary half marathon at the end of may and did a personal best and hit my goal of under 2 hours. Ben did the full marathon, but he also ran TO the race. Yes, he added an extra 4miles (8kms) to his run. Training has hit its peak for me the last couple of weeks since I am now 4 weeks out of my race, so I have been getting pretty tired. The point is to almost burn yourself out so that you can taper and recover for 2 weeks and be ready to go for the big day! My Big day is July 11th in Oosoyos. Pretty nervous but excited. I have never done this distance before and I dont really know what to expect but as long as I stay healthy and injury free it'll be awesome.
Other than training, Ben and I have been pretty busy. Ben is in school right now getting his 3rd year of his plumbing schooling down. It's amazing how much the school throws at these students in 8 weeks of school and the most minute numbers and details they have to remember. But he's getting through it and will be done in 2 weeks. I'm in my last class of my degree and have finished an online class, in between working and training. I have found it pretty hard to keep my motivation up this close to the end of school and with only one class. But in 2 weeks I'll be done and I'll only have 2 finals (one in my online class), then Ben and I are getting out of this city... we're moving to revelstoke!!
We have kinda been up and down with when we were going to move, and in the couple of weeks all the signs have been pointing to leaving. So we drove down last weekend to find a place to live, and we found a great place! A freshly renovated 2 bedroom basement suite (but it's a split level so the basement is mostly above ground and is nice and bright) with a nice landlord who lives on the top floor. We're even allowed to get a dog if we want! That is awesome, because we really want one.. not right away but eventually. We camped in the rain all weekend, but after finding that place nothing could get our spirits down. It was a pretty jam packed weekend: We went for a trail run, hiked partway up the skihill, checked out the town and surrounding area, and went for another "hike" (more of a walk by our standards) before dinner, found a great pizza place and had a pre-celebration for my birthday. We even checked out the pool and gym for training. Everything was so amazing! I absolutely love it there, I was so relaxed and knew that this is exactly where I am supposed to be. The mountains are huge and beautiful. The people are super friendly. I felt inspired.
Sunday morning we got up early and hit the road to come home. It was a pretty whirlwind weekend leaving after work on friday and coming home sunday. But it is only 4 hours away and with the time difference you gain an hour on friday night. We got home mid afternoon and went to my dad's for a BBQ since it was mine, my dad's and my Oma from Ontario's birthday. Aj and Jenny did the cooking and it was delicious!
Anyways, now that we have a place to live and we're officially moving in 3 weeks. We have been pretty busy this week looking for jobs, trying to find stuff that we'll need for moving (since the place we rent is furnished we don't have much), training, and finishing school. Needless to say I have been a little stressed, but I have a feeling the next 3 weeks are going to fly by! And it's crazy but as soon as you drive out of the city and into the mountains the stress always seems to dissappear! So we've just got to hang on and before we know it we'll be living the dream!