Lately I have been lacking inspiration to write, although we have not been without news. Everytime I write something it seems just so boring and all over the place. I think there has just been TOO MUCH and it seems it would be all over the map if I wrote it in one post. But Here I go, I'll put it in sub-headings to organize myself.
Training hasn't really been going for me. Infact I have not trained since my last post (that's 12 days ago). After my last post the weirdest thing happend, my foot (that I broke last year) started aching. Then it swelled, and was really painful. Getting nervous I called Ben to drop by with some ice and advil. Within an hour I couldn't walk, so we decided to get checked out by the doctor. Well she was convinced I had a stress fracture and insisted I go back on my crutches and into my boot, and wait for a bone scan. UGH. Well that lasted a day. I blame it on my grandfather, I'm pretty sure the doctor had to threated a cast to make him rest a sprained ankle. It started feeling better and now it's fine so I have nod idea what happened. Then, not 2 days later I caught a real bad cold while my brothers were visiting. I haven't had a cold this bad in a loooong time, and I dont want to drag it out with training so I am relaxing and resting. Which is probably also good for my foot. But I am finally starting to feel better so I am hoping to get back to it hopefully tomorrow.
This weekend marks the 4 months mark! ahh!! that's only 3.5 months of intense training and 2 weeks of tapering. SO Ben and I need to get our buts in gear, stay healthy and really dedicate the next few months to training. Now that the ski hill is closed, and the snow is nearly melted I think this should be easier to do.
Ben and I want to get married this September, so we have started trying to navigate through this wedding planning thing. We want September because we will be finished the Ironman and we normally aren't training for anything in the fall. Originally we looked into ALL the options, I mean everything from in Calgary to renting out a lodge in lake louise for the weekend. And after some consideration we decided two things were the most important to us 1) that it was in the mountains because that is where our souls are and 2) it doens't cost a small fortune. And thus we decided on Fernie, BC. Ben's mom lives there and we have spent alot of time in Fernie, plus it is GORGEOUS and much less expensive than Canmore and Banff area. So when we were down in Fernie last weekend visiting Ben's mom for Easter we looked at a couple of venues and are toiling with either a more causual backyard reception since Ben's mom generously offered their beaufitul backyard to us or a reception at the Best Western. Both have pros and cons that we're considering, but I think either would be great. Hopefully we have that figured out this week. But I think we have decided on a ceremony location:
That's us practicing. I think it looks like a pretty awesome spot. Obviously things wouldn't look quite so dead and brown in September. Rather all those trees in the background will have yellow and green leaves!
I think it's time to oficially announce that we have decided that we are moving back to Calgary! It's just a matter of when. We're thinking possibly as early as June, and by August at the latest. We realize that we moved to the mountains for a reason and it was our dream, but over the last year we have learned that there are things that we miss in Calgary. Such as my family, a career, and the convenience of having all the stores that you need right there. Although we love the mountains, I have stopped noticing them as much. We used to make plans every weekend, and look forward to going to the mountains and getting away every weekend. Planning all week kept us going. But now that we're in the moutnains all the time, we don't have that anymore, it's not a big adventure since they're right there. Also, the training facilities here in the winter are.... well.. not great. We dread going to the gym becasue it is hot and gross. The pool is typically INSANELY busy in the evenings because they only have one single lane for all the lap swimmers and there is this one guy that just KICKS for half an hour and doesn't wait at the end to let you pass him if you're right on his butt (so so so anoying!). Finally,the hours that the pool and the gym have been a struggle since they open late on the weekends. I think every place that you live has it's pros and cons, and Revelstoke just doens't seem to be working for us. Although the mountains are important, and the skiing was amazing, we're at a point in our lives where our Careers and family are just more important. So I am on the job search in Calgary. I've started casually applying for jobs, but I think it's hard to do when you're not physically in Calgary. If anyone knows of any potential employers in Calgary let me know!
So that's probably the biggest news. Wedding, moving and training. Phew. There we go trying to do everything at once. But I think it will all be worth it.
This weekend the rain is supposed to clear up and we're going to train hard and have some quality champ time. Even have a date night planned for friday night. Then next weekend we're headed to Calgary! Forzani puts on the mother's day race every year, and with that is a HUGE sale on running shoes so every year we stock up. So that was the main reason but we're also excited to see everyone, and talk wedding stuff with my mom!I haven't been to calgary since January, and Ben hasn't been since Christmas, I think that's the longest stretch yet! perhaps that is why we are getting homesick! -
ps.. just thought I'd leave you with a picture of my adorable nephew.. incase you needed a pick-me up to get through the rest of the week.
I mean how cute is he!
Great Blog Honey. I think maybe your foot was hurting because your body needed a little bit of a break!! You have been going to HARD and I am happy you have had some good quality resting time. Love you MOM