Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday Wishes

I'm linking up again with Brooke for her weekly wednesday wishes. I have seemed to have pretty good luck the last few weeks with getting my wishes as I finished the race, Ben got the job, and we got the great apartment that we wanted. So this week, I thought I'd throw in some big wishes and see what happens!

1) A smoooth move back to Calgary. We're doing the Uhaul thing, and its a little stressful but I think we'll be fine.

2) This duvet cover... we need new sheets since we have worn through ours.. literally, there is a gaping hole in our sheets. We're not even going to pack em, just toss them come saturday morning. So while looking for new sheets I stumbled apon this duvet and I love it.
at bed, bath, and beyond

3)During my race, there was this guy who I named "Yellow" as he was on a yellow bike and wearing a yellow shirt (he called me blue for the same reason). I would pass him going up the hills, but he would fly by me on the downhills. We played leapfrog like that for the majority of the race. At one point he turned to me and said "You are a way better biker than me... I just have a better bike. If you had a bike like mine you'd be way ahead of me." so with that... I would LOVE a cervelo p3.. although I would settle for a p2 :). Maybe one day.

4) A honeymoon somewhere tropical and all inclusive where we don't have to worry about anything... or any honeymoon. With getting new jobs we're not even sure we will get time off for a honeymoon right after our wedding. If not, I'm sure we'll go on one eventually. Perhaps for Ironman Florida in 2012?.. although that is the oposit of an all inclusive relaxing vacation ha!

5)The athletes plate cookbook! and time to cook from it! Ben and I eat, for the most part, super healthy. However, we're often eating the same things every week. Also, with our busy training/work schedules we often rely on frozen/quick foods (although of the healthy variety.. low fat, low sodium) or leftovers during the week. With some planning, and an aresnal of healthy recipes geared towards atheltes I think we may be able to change out habits!
from amazon


  1. Is this a wedding registry you are starting up? They are all good ideas!

    Love you,

    PS Ed and I never took a honeymoon and it bums us out still. We have not been on a tropical all inclusive without kids and may not get too until they are grown up. So do it!

  2. I LOVE that you and Yellow had a conversation like that during the race - could that be cuter?! I hope you can get a bike as awesome as that!

  3. Hey Cindy! no we will be setting up a registry at the Bay when we do get back! This is just a weekly thing that a girl does where you wish for stuff..

    Haha thanks sarah! yeah it was pretty funny, we'd pass and I'd be like hey yellow!.. thanks for reading!
    -grr google account still broken. Jen
