Friday, June 3, 2011

Final Thoughts

Well, I'm leaving for Osoyoos in about an hour. I am both excited and nervous, which equals a very upset stomach. I prepared for this race last year, then was devastated when I broke my foot 2 weeks before. Then, this past month has not been without its struggles as I battled pnumonia for a month. But I have learned that all I can do is my best despite any obstacles that may come up. However, I think that will make crossing the finish line all the sweeter, overcoming all the hurdles and doing it anyway. My mom isn't gong to be able to be there this weekend but I can hear her in my head with something that she has told me a million times:


So, with that, my nerves ease little. Have a great weekend!


  1. WOOT, WOOT!!! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Good luck, and run like that run, ride and swim like the wind!

  2. You are going to do great and have a fantastic celebration when you are done!!!!


  3. Very few people would even try to attempt to do 1/2 Iron Man let alone a triatholon, Marathon or full Iron Man!! You amaze me - your strength, drive and determination are an inspiration to all who know you!!! Good luck my beautiful Jennifer. love, Mom xo
